

नेपाल संवत: ११४५ चिल्लाथ्व चतुर्दशी - १४


NARC Project List in National Genebank

  1. Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Biodiversity (CUAB)

Sub project A. Conservation and utilization of agricultural plant genetic resources (CUAPGR), started from 2069 BS

Sub project B. Management of aquatic, livestock, insect and microbial agricultural genetic resources (MALIM-AGR), started from 2079

  1. Farm, Lab and Bank Management Project (FLBMP), started from 2079

  2. Management of Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources (MAPGR) in Nepal (Project No: 33267001), started from 2019

  3. FMP project, started from 2069

Special Project List in National Genebank

  1. GRPI-II: Strengthening National Capacities to Implement the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Funded by Bioversity International. Started from 2012. Project leader: BK Joshi. For detail at:

  2. Local crop project (on-farm project): Integrating Traditional Crop Genetic Diversity into Technology: Using a Biodiversity Portfolio Approach to Buffer against Unpredictable Environmental Change in the Nepal Himalayas (GEF On-farm Project). Funded by GEF/UNEP via Bioversity International. Started from 2014. Project leader: BK Joshi. For detail at:

  3. IMPGR-AFACI: Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Selected Rice and Buckwheat Collections to Promote Use. Funded by AFACI, RDA, Korea. Started from 2015. Project leader: BK Joshi. For detail at:

  4. PGRAsia: Characterization, Evaluation and Sustainable use of Plant Genetic Resources in Asian region. Funded by NIAS, Japan. Started from 2015. Project leader: BK Joshi. For detail at:

  5. CWR: Conservation of crop wild relatives. Funded by GCDT. Started from 2016. Project leader: D Singh. For detail at:

  6. EPB: Use of Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Plant Breeding for Enhanced Farmer Resilience to Climate Change, Sustainable Crop Productivity and Nutrition under Rainfed Conditions. Funded by IFAD. Started from 2019. Project leader: BK Joshi

  7. Indigenous seed project: Improving seed systems for smallholder farmers" food security. Funded by SDC. Started from 2018. Project leader: P Thapa

  8. Rebuilding local seed system: Collection, conservation and repatriation of native crop seeds in earthquake affected areas in Nepal. Funded by GCT. Started from 2016. Project leader: BK Joshi

  9. Collection, Multiplication, Characterization and Safety Duplication of Wheat and Barley Landraces from Nepal. Funded by GCDT. Started from 2013. Project leader: BK Joshi

  10. Exploration, Regeneration and Conservation of Endangered Cereals, Grain Legumes from Central Mid and High Hills of Nepal. Funded by AFACI. Started from 2012. Project leader: BK Joshi

  11. Promoting conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of food and agriculture for enhancing food security in Nepal. Funded by AFACI. Started from 2010, Project leader: MP Upadhyay/ MR Bhatta

  12. National information sharing mechanism- global plan of action. Started from 2009.